Sunday 11 January 2015

Taiwan Day 4 (16.12.14) - 薰衣草森林/高美湿地

Breakfast was 'settled' at the hotel.

We met our dear Mr Zhang after we were done with our breakfast. He bought us each a can of coke and a packet of nougat. Very nice hor...he actually bought them after dropping us at the hotel. passion in his job...hahaha

After praising him,I also have some complaints to make. He can be quite 'irritating'. At times when we could not decide which places to go, he will confuse us more instead of helping us make decision. Hahaha...but this is really very subjective la...cos not everybody like others to make decision for them especially when we are the 'BOSS' (customers).

Due the timing issues, we went to 薰衣草森林 Lavender Cottage instead of 心之芳庭.

So cute, need to 净身 cleanse our body before going in...
Toilet also very cute...

Wishing tree...may all our wishes come true...

We bought some dried lavender back too...we paid NT50 and we could pack as much dried lavender into the pouch provided...we get Mr Zhang to help us cos he was really good at it...the pouch almost exploded de...hahaha...

Lavender Cottage
Address : No.20, Zhongxing St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City 426, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Opening Hours :
Mon ~ Fri 10:30 - 18:30
Sat ~ Sun 10:00 - 18:30
Entrance Fees : NT200

 I think we got too excited about the merchandise in the shop that we over-run the time AGAIN! 

We rushed to 菇神 for lunch and bought some dried mushroom there. I received quite positive feedback on their dried mushroom,so next time I will buy more if I go there again...hahaha... I noticed we did not snap any pictures for our lunch.

After lunch, we were rushing to Gaomei Wetlands for some sunset photos.



我以为在合歡山这么冷,我都可以忍受,这里又不是山,我应该ok的! 可是我真得真得大错特错了! 真得很冷呐! 


Dinner at Pumpkin House becos Jeh Chun and his boy boy wanted western food.

Ended our last night at Taichung but did not go to their famous Fengjia night market. 

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