Friday 9 January 2015

Taiwan Day 3 (15.12.14) - 合歡山/纸箱王/新驛旅店台中車站店

Good the morning to everyone...

Nice view from the balcony from our room

Took another shoot before going for breakfast

Beautiful view from the mingsu

The breakfast provided by the mingsu was simple and nice. Wasted that we did not any photo on the breakfast. After that, we went back to the room to bring down the lugguages for check-out. 

合歡山, here we come ~~

We were so lucky to have a tour guide who has passion in his job...before our trip, he checked with Ms Tan on the preference of songs that everyone of us has. He would also entertain us with all his "cold jokes" 冷笑话. During the road trip,he would often stopped his ”小黄” for us to take a nice photo and also to take a rest maybe. Because of his passion, our whole trip was such an enjoyable one and we took lots of nice photo as memories.

Amy为艺术牺牲,站在马路中间拍照 !

The wind was strong, very cold, feeling a bit breatheless at such a high altitude but I really enjoyed it. Reaching soon...

Wuling is situated at the junction of Central and East Peaks of Hehuanshan at an elevation of 3,275 meters. From its location on a cliffside plateau, it provides an impressive view of Hehuanshan and other surrounding peaks.

Hehuanshan is a 3,416 metres high mountain in Central Taiwan. The peak lies on the boundaries of Nantou and Hualien counties and is within the Taroko Gorge National Park. 

The temperature was less than 10 degree and the wind was really blowing "fiercely"...I started to tremble. Never felt so cold before. Wonderful experience!

As we were travelling down from the peak, something caught our attention! ICE!


The road was actually quite narrow and curvy, but Mr Zhang was experienced. 

Next, it's lunch at 清境魯媽媽.

Address : 南投縣仁愛鄉大同村仁和路210-2-1號
Reservation : 049-2803876

After lunch, we proceed to our next destination, Taichung. I remember the journey was quite a long one as by the time we reached Carton King, it was already late afternoon.

From day time till night time...

a class of sleepy students

Bought these musical house for the boys from Carton King. (Music)
We passed by the unique eatery where everything from the furnishings, to the decorations and even the plates are made from corrugated cardboard. Very interesting but we did not have the chance to have our meal there. 
Address : 台中市西屯區西屯路3段281巷1號(中科店)
Telephone : (04) 2461-8553
We had 薑母鸭 for dinner. The soup base includes duck meat, herbs, old ginger and sesame oil, we did not add rice wine to the soup because Mr Zhang cannot take wine. The soup tastes like confinement food and it's very nice...I cannot recalled how many bowls of soup I drank lor. According to Ms Tan, when she came previously, it was packed with people and long queue waiting.

I missed their 面线,yummy!
Look at their tables and chairs!!!

What's next? 吃饱饱,睡呼呼!

We checked~in to CityInn Hotel Plus Taichung Station Branch. The staff was very nice, he gave us the themed room on the highest level. Besides that, he also brief us on the facilities available in the hotel, e.g. washing machine, coffee machine etc etc. Most importantly, the Hotel provided buffet breakfast for guests which mean that we did not have to trouble Mr Zhang to bring us for breakfast.
As Mr Zhang stays in Taichung, hence we do not need to "provide accommodation' for him.
Jeh Chun's room


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