Monday 5 January 2015

Taiwan Day 2 (14.12.14) - 清境農場/明琴清境山莊

After having our buffet breakfast provided by the mingsu, we went to have a stroll in the village. The weather was cooling...

Group photo at the entrance to the "forest".

Found this colourful dragon while exploring in the woods

We found more themed wooden huts in the "woods" which looked very interesting to stay in and most of them were occupied.

We decided to split into 2 group as Jeh Chun and Ms Tan wanted to stroll into the 大学池 for the freshest oxygen while Amy and I were not those greenary person.道不同不相为谋.

Nantou Monster Village is a Japanese style village located at the entrance of Xitou Nature Education Area. When you arrive at Nantou Monster Village, a big red “Toril” will instantly grab you attention. Toril is a traditional Japanese gate mostly found at the entrance of the Shinto shrine, which is a symbolic gate between profane to the sacred. After passing the toril, adorable Japanese monster statues and cute creatures can be seen all over the village, as well as red lanterns hung on the eaves. Among the village, you may also find many striking yellow signs cautions for “Kuma,” which means a bear in Japanese. There is a tale goes that long ago that a bear fought with the monsters and saved the residents in the village. However, the bear was injured and hided in the forests. Although the bear has not appeared in a long time, the signs are setup in memory of Kuma, and it has become the village’s mascots.

Amy throwing tantrums

Wefie while the rest went hiking...

Rehearsing for our Japan trip in Mar 15

Relaxing at the cafe...


After we checked out from the mingsu, our next destination is to buy some Taiwan nougaut and biscuits. Our tour guide,Mr Zhang told us not to buy too much as there were much nicer ones in Taichung. 

Address : 南投縣埔里鎮中山路四段219號

Us on the horse carriage

So in the end, only Amy bought nougaut biscuits while the rest of us went 'click click click' with our cameras.

It's time for lunch and we went to 蘇媽媽湯圓. The place was packed with people and getting a seat was quite stressful. If you are not fast enough, your desired table will be taken away even if you are just beside the table waiting.


Their 肉燥飯 is so delicious that I ate half a bowl after eating my soup noodle. 

"~~~Baa baa white sheep,have you any wool~~~"

By the time we reached Cingjng Farm 清境農場,we could not make it for the sheep show at 2.30pm.Timing for sheep show (绵羊秀)

The sheep roaming freely

Hungry sheep looking for food

Amy feeding the sheep

Ms Tan and the sheep

I looked like a 瞎子 (blind person) standing behind Amy.

Some shots while waiting for Mr Zhang to fetch us...

Nantou.Cingjing Farm
TEL:+886 49 2802748 FAX:+886 49 2802203 
NO. 170, Renhe Rd., Datong Village, Ren’ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan(R. O. C.)
Website : Cingjing Farm

張大师的所谓艺术照。。。he actually wanted our back view...hahaha...mis-communication ah...

Most of the tourists will come to take photo as this is the most expensive we made no exception.

We ended our day with dinner at 伊拿谷餐厅. This restaurant is located facing the endless Chingjing landscape scenery and is famous for their signature chicken i.e. 招牌甕仔鸡.

The chicken is cooked inside this special "urn"

Mr Zhang "dismantling" the chicken using the gloves provided...



As none of us know how to eat small skinny prawn with shell so Mr Zhang tabao-ed as he did not want to waste food.

Website : 伊拿谷餐厅
Our accommodation for the night
The room shared by Amy, Ms Tan and me.
Super loved the room as it was so clean and spacious as compared to the night before...The only con is the mingsu has no lift, hence we had to carry the luggage up the stairs. 

This is the room for Jeh Chun and her son, very nice right?
Mr Zhang's room was very clean and pleasant too but he told us he did not sleep well as the soul of the prawn was haunting him...hahaha...He was sensitive to the fried tiny prawn and the whole body itched the whole night. Poor Mr Zhang!!!
Address : 台灣南投縣仁愛鄉大同村榮光巷43號
Reservation :049-2803888
Email :

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